The Story of Alternate…
moving on to a new

The year 2020, was not the best year to start a business! With Covid-19 spreading around the world, families and businesses being pulled apart, in these horrific time.

Alternate came through relatively unscathed. But a lot stronger for having been through it, as a young business. We learned to work remotely without personal contact to our clients, and still managing to grow the business. 

Now with the world getting back to new normal, we have direct contact with our clients, in regard to meetings, training, or just exploring ideas on what is best to help clients grow their businesses. Alternate has different philosophy to the vast majority of businesses out there, where the majority of businesses just look at their bottom line and not worrying about the clients. 

We, at Alternate, feel we need to help grow your business as, as when you grow – we will also grow.

How does this happen?

It starts with getting to know us and trust. Once you knock on our door, we will open it wide, and discuss your needs and wants. At this point, then you will decide if you want to come join our family or not…There is no pressure to join us, or pushy sales people banging on your door, 24/7.

The later part of 2023 and early 2024 were challenging on us, as we changed our partner, and had a steep learning curve with adjusting to the new developments. This all been settled and turned out better than ever before.

Let’s move forward to the new journey….♾️

working with US

What makes Alternate unique

As we sail on the ship of trust, we cannot control the wind. Nevertheless we can direct the sail. Let us take you to the journey of mutual growth, success and partnership with our unique values

Rock Solid, Reliable

We only provide strong, reliable products.

Because reliability is the precondition for trust


Clear and honest business with us.

Because honesty is something you can’t wear out.

No Hidden Cost

Every prices is worked upfront. No hidden cost.

Because you are worth it.

Culture Aware

We understand that there might be some language barrier between the supplier and the user.

Worry not, all of our manual and instructions are in bilingual, both in English and Bahasa Indonesia

Customized Services

Let us know what you need. We will provide you with the most suitable solution

Outstanding service, outstanding you.


Strong teamwork spirit, because we are stronger together

One spirit, one team, one win


Our team of high-experienced people understands your needs

Because experience is a good school. But the fees are high.


We realize that our future growth requires us to constantly look for ways to improve our ability to serve clients.

We make clients, not a sale

Our team

One Team, One Spirit, One Win

Firman Ramadhan

Business Development

Ken Soepangkat-Brown

Digital Marketing

Tim Brown


Bagus Nurhuda

Company Liaison Specialist


Building a business, does not mean you stand alone against the rest of the competitions. Alternate support their clients far beyond what is expected as a business norm. 
This comes back to what Alternate is and will continue to be. Knowledgeable, Helpful, Supportive, and right there, when we are needed.

small team, great results

We are a small team at Alternate, but don’t think we stand alone. Alternate has full and professional backing from SPT, every day of the year. No matter the holiday or time of the seasons. Having said that, our staffs here are fully versed in the tools being supplied to you, and just a phone call away.


Have you ever notice that with other companies you deal with, as soon as it’s weekend, or a holiday, or you have paid for the product you bought or hired…..YOU CAN’T CONTACT THEM? This is by phone, even emails take days or weeks to be answered…..

Well….we at Alternate promise to be available for you 24/7, no matter the day

BECAUSE…this is who we are.


Because we are an Indonesian company, there is no waiting for answers to your questions, there is no having to work your way around overseas headquarters procedures and policies. 

You can talk directly to anyone in the Alternate team, and get an honest straight forward answer to any question you might have.


Once the decision has been made to come to Alternate, full training can be done either in the office, workshop or on site, or a combination of all. 

Having said that, if we head to site to do the training, this might take a few days as we like to fully train your staffs in the use of these tools.